
Paradise Park


In June 2018, the Investment Company acquired a shareholding (indirect) in “Paradise Park” (also known as Eight Rivers Energy Company), a 51 MWp solar park in Jamaica.  Paradise Park secured limited-recourse project finance amounting to approximately USD 50 million from the French development bank, PROPARCO, and the Dutch development bank, FMO in June 2018. The construction of the solar park began in September 2018 and was commissioned in June 2019. Paradise Park is the largest photovoltaic power plant and the cheapest producer of energy in the island nation.

Project nameParadise Park
DescriptionFixed ground-mounted solar PV park with c. 51 MWp capacity
Energy ProductionYearly output: 82,000 MWh
Investment StartQ1 2018
Construction PeriodQ2 2018 – Q2 2019
Total InvestmentApprox. USD 64 million